The Airdrie Regional Home & Lifestyle Show offers a unique opportunity for your business to engage and interact with thousands of potential customers.
2025 Exhibitor Registration
Register today or call us for more information.
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You may unsubscribe at any time.
Saturday, April 12 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday, April 13 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
(12 years of age & under are FREE)
Payments accepted: Cash, Debit, Visa, and MasterCard
There is NO Cash machine on site.~
The first 100 attendees to arrive early each day get in for FREE
thanks to our Early Bird Sponsors McKee Homes and Melcor Developments
and the first 250 attendees on both days receive a swag bag full of goodies!
Parking is at a premium at Genesis Place; therefore, all Exhibitors MUST park at Ron Ebbesen Arena during show hours.It is very important that we keep the Genesis Place parking for our guests.
The Shuttle Service will run from Ron Ebbesen Arena (pick up is right out front the main doors) to Genesis Place (out front the East Doors close to Bert Church) and back every ten minutes;in the morning from 8:45am - 9:45am
and in the afternoon from 4:00pm –5:00pm
AIRDRIE REGIONAL HOME & LIFESTYLE SHOW• Showcase, demonstrate and sample directly to a large target market.
• Cultivate new clients and generate leads through incentive programs and contests.
• Launch new products in an ideal environment.
• Drive retail traffic and showcase brand attributes through sampling and couponing.
• Stand out from the competition and create brand awareness through media coverage.
November 18, 2024 - January 5, 2025 - Early Bird rates in effect (Chamber Members only).
January 6 - March 31, 2025 - Regular rates in effect for Chamber Members & Future Members.
March 14, 2025 - Exhibitor Agreement, Exhibitor Code of Conduct, Insurance, and all other forms/requests are due.
March 31, 2025 - GES order form due. Determine marketing strategy for the show and promote your attendance to the public in advance.
April 1, 2025 - Prepare for the show! Pack your kit, review documents, meet with your team.
April 11, 2025 - Exhibitor Move-In from 9:00 am - 7:00 pm.
SHOWTIME! April 12, 2025 - Ensure your booth is ready by 9:00 AM.
May 2025 - Complete post-show follow up plan and contact leads.
Click here to become a Member. Your exhibitor booth price savings practically pays for your entire membership! Membership questions can be directed to Ally at admin@airdriechamber.ab.ca.
Click here for a complete list of exhibitor booth prices.
Special Airdrie Regional Chamber Member Pricing in effect.
If you are not a member of the Airdrie Regional Chamber of Commerce, click here to join today!
Click here to view the exhibitor map.
If you would like to showcase your business on the Entertainment Stage, please email events@airdriechamber.ab.ca to inquire about this opportunity.
In order to showcase your business on the Entertainment Stage you must:
• Be an Airdrie Regional Chamber of Commerce Member
• Be an Exhibitor in the Show
• Inquire about this opportunity no later than February 7, 2025
Download Exhibitor Tips Here
Here’s what our exhibitors have to say about us:
The Airdrie Home & Lifestyle Show is an all-around great experience. As a business based in Calgary but serving Airdrie all the time, this show gives us great exposure to Airdrie customers. It also allows us to showcase our business. Often customers do not realize we do more than carpet cleaning and it is a good way to let them about all our cleaning services.
As owners of Dang Good Carpet and Furnace Cleaning, we have attended a few home shows across the province and this one is by far the most organized, the most professional and the most fun. There is a great atmosphere and the weekend files by. The show is a valuable way to reach out to Airdrie and gain new customers. We are so impressed by this show, it features prominently in our blog called: “Airdrie Trade and Home Shows,” which we updated recently. In it we highlight that the admission fee is still only $5 per person giving families an affordable fun day out. Last year we sponsored the bingo card which was a clever way to bring people to our table who might not have given us a second look otherwise and it was cool to hear so many say “oh yes, I’m going to need your services soon, let me take a card…” Having done the show now for a few years we have built up relationships with other vendors at the show too which has been invaluable.
~ Karen & Mark Norman, Dang Good Carpet and Furnace Cleaning
I had difficulties finding new customers for my landscape and lawn snow services, until early 2022 when I joined Airdrie chamber of commerce and attended the home show. Because of that show I made a few awesome contacts and landed some projects that improved my sales and allowed me to create a referral program for mutual benefit with other relevant business locally.
I highly recommend how show for service providers and consumers to attend. Thank you, Chamber of commerce!
~ Cyrus Heydon, Cyrus Landscaping
Airdrie home and lifestyle show is a very important program for small Airdrie businesses. Number one, they’ve kept the prices down to where a small company can afford to showcase their business. Number two, the Home and Lifestyle show has helped my logo be recognizable and has helped increase my student signups. I found that each year more and more people recognized my company and the advertising alone is amazing. I have been able to launch new programs with the home and lifestyle show that has become very lucrative for my small company. I believe having been at the Home and Lifestyle show before was how I stayed in business during Covid! I want to thank the Airdrie Chamber Of Commerce for having this show for all the Airdrie people and especially my small business!
~ Ruth Martinuk, I Res-Q U
The Show allowed us to showcase what Kiwanis does for disadvantaged people in Airdrie to a large number of people.
It also allowed us to learn about and collaborate with other non-profits all in 1 event which saves time and effort.
We were able to meet and talk with many business owners which enabled us to promote the Kiwanis Airdrie Business Scavenger Hunt.
We created Brand awareness with our booth set-up and the making of balloon animals for children attending the event.
We were able to promote and sell our Kiwanis Cooking with Kids cookbook.
~ Nancy Wigglesworth, President - Kiwanis Club of Airdrie Foothills
My Wife (Renee) and I (Brandon) own Paris Farmhouse Furniture, a home based company that makes custom farmhouse tables, side tables, hutches and more! We only started this company recently and were in dire need to get our presence known in Airdrie. We typically go to the Airdrie Home & Lifestyle Show as customers and knew the amount of traffic this show attracts. Although our company is in the infant stage we decided to participate in this show and just take the plunge! Luckily we had Marie as the Event Coordinator. Marie made this entire experience so stress free and smooth. Every single question we had she answered quickly. All the way to the booking, to the end of the show, she was always easily accessible, but most of all, Marie did it all with a smile! How did the show work out for us? We ended up selling all our big ticket items (Farmhouse table & Hutch) as well as 9 out of our 10 décor pieces. Not only that, the show helped us book jobs right into July (several months ahead) and made tons of valuable connections plus many leads! We will definitely be booking in this show every year as we feel that this show is an absolute necessity to help our business succeed!
~ Paris Farmhouse Furniture
The Airdrie Home & Lifestyle Show is an incredible show to be a part of! The show offers that “small town” feel that so many of us are attracted to while offering top notch products and services. The show allows me to showcase my business, Gotcha Covered, and to interact and demonstrate the product and services that Gotcha Covered offers. By exhibiting, I have acquired quality leads and valuable brand exposure. At the show, I had the opportunity to connect with friends, fellow like-minded business professionals and potential customers as well as previous customers. From the moment I signed up until takedown at the end of the show, my experience as an exhibitor could not have been better! Marie and her amazing team, especially Brian, were very accommodating and a real pleasure to deal with. Looking forward to next year!
~ Terri Morris, Owner/Design Consultant – Gotcha Covered
My partner, Phil Hoffmann and I moved to Airdrie in December 2018. We immediately joined the Airdrie Chamber of Commerce, and in the following year Phil became an active volunteer, and subsequently a board member of the Airdrie Food Bank, the Airdrie Library Advocates, and Volunteer Airdrie. I am a recent addition to the Airdrie Chamber Board and the Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society. We moved to Airdrie because we wanted to be part of a community – both to continue to build and extend my Belief Re-patterning business, and to offer our expertise and time to organizations and causes we believe in. The Airdrie Home and Lifestyle Show allowed us to realize these goals exponentially.
Our first experience with the Airdrie Home and Lifestyle Show was April 2022. In 2019 we were overseas, and the next 2 years, although we registered for an exhibitor space, Covid cancelled our plans. This spring we were thrilled to be a part of an event that brings the business community of Airdrie to the general public. Despite the general reticence of the public to gather, we made terrific contacts and created new business at the Belief Re-patterning booth. We volunteered for the set-up of the show, and Phil volunteered at the booths for the non-profit groups he is part of. In addition, we made purchases at several booths, and have done on-going business (furnace cleaning, Energy provider) both in Airdrie and in our properties in Calgary and met our local lawyer, accountant, pharmacist, banker, dentist moving from our Calgary providers to Airdrie providers as a result of the event.
I believe this event is a lifeline for Airdrie businesses, and an incredible community event. As both a locally based small business and active community volunteers, we will continue to be a part of the Airdrie Home and Lifestyle Show as long as it is financially feasible to do so.
~ Suze Casey, Belief Re-patterning
Ambition Performing Arts has been a proud supporter, exhibitor, and stage performance group for many many years. We love the show as an opportunity to speak to the citizens of Airdrie and engage with their families. The exhibitor opportunity has been a valued source of conversation and exchange of information about or programs year over year. Our families look forward to the performance on stage as we always use our younger dancers, and singers to show that anyone can get started with us and have a great experience in the arts. Having our booth right near the stage always generates some great exposure for our programs and the opportunity to chat with attendees as they stroll by. The Home and Lifestyle show is a valuable part of our advertising and community exposure.
~ Tara Pickford, Ambition Performing Arts (APA)
This was our first year taking part in the Airdrie Home & Lifestyle Show, and, despite the months that have already passed, we still look fondly at our time spent there. The Airdrie community has shown us great support, and the Airdrie Chamber of Commerce's own kindness in organizing such a welcoming event truly exemplifies the qualities that set Airdrie's community apart. We found the event to be highly beneficial in helping establish Gummi Boutique as a staple in Airdrie, both due to the better-than-expected sales volume and the opportunity to network with other like-minded businesses and individuals. It was our pleasure to attend, and we look forward to seeing what the next year brings for Gummi Boutique at the Airdrie Home & Lifestyle Show.
~ Blake Ivan, Gummi Boutique
I served in the British Military for 30 years and as you can imagine the military are well organized, however the level of organization and attention to detail that was evident over the past 2 days @ the Home and Lifestyle Show was exceptional. On behalf of First-Aid4All thank you for all your efforts in making our first Home and Lifestyle Show incredible. We are excited and looking forward to future shows.
~ Tony Magill – First-Aid4All
The Show brings us consistent, quality leads as well as excellent exposure. It’s a real pleasure.
~ Amy Miller – Outdoor Creations
We are very impressed with how well this Show is run and the tremendous facility. Well worth doing!
~ George McBride – Ocean Sales
• Showcase, demonstrate and sample directly to a large target market.
• Cultivate new clients and generate leads through incentive programs and contests.
• Launch new products in an ideal environment.
• Drive retail traffic and showcase brand attributes through sampling and couponing.
• Stand out from the competition and create brand awareness through media coverage.
- In person events are at a premium these days
- The show fosters connection between the business community members and the public
- the show enables businesses to connect with each other, creating connections and more business/events/plans
- social interaction has been shown to help with cognitive development in the young & retention in old age, to help with mental health: “Proven links include lower rates of anxiety and depression, higher self-esteem, greater empathy, and more trusting and cooperative relationships.” https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/Strong-relationships-strong-health
- Showcases art & local talent (dance, singing, etc) on a stage when they might not be “elite” enough for a big Calgary stage
- Gives businesses a chance to get their name seen & heard, difficult to do on just social media
- In person events are at a premium these days
~ Kelly Boudreau
Airdrie Public Library (APL) has attended the Airdrie Home & Lifestyle show as an exhibitor since 2016. We value our participation in this annual event because it increases the library’s profile and visibility in the community and helps us connect with and better support the citizens we serve.
At the 2022 Home & Lifestyle Show library staff and volunteers spent their time speaking to the public about library memberships, promoting library programs and services, and sharing information about the new library and multi-use facility scheduled to open in 2025. With a constant flow of traffic throughout the weekend, APL successfully connected with many existing library patrons, as well as with residents and newcomers who do not yet have a library card.
In 2022, APL’s exhibit space was shared with the Advocates for the Airdrie Public Library who fundraised for the library by selling used books and other small items. Many visitors to our joint booth were unaware of the range of services the library offers and were introduced to the Advocates for the first time.
Both APL and the Advocates found the show to be well-organised and promoted. Exhibitor rates were reasonable and communication with vendors was thorough and clear.
The Airdrie Home & Lifestyle Show is a valuable outreach opportunity for the library and a highlight of the Airdrie calendar. We thank the Airdrie Chamber of Commerce for allowing us to be a part of this event and look forward to joining you at the show again in 2023.
~ Pamela Medland, Airdrie Public Library Director
The Airdrie Chamber of Commerce hosts a wonderful, very well-organized event that plays an important role in bringing together businesses with city residents and visitors from surrounding communities to meet and make connections.
Businesses have a great opportunity to highlight what they offer by sharing information and adding incentives to encourage growth.
Attendees connect with businesses and are therefore supporting local.It is an event many look forward to annually, spending time with family and friends while enjoying the show.
My husband and I both volunteer at the show and always find it very interesting as we too discover all that is available in our city.
~ Wendy Contant, Volunteer
Airdrie Regional Home & Lifestyle Show | Genesis Place: 800 East Lake Blvd NE, Airdrie AB T4A 2K9 | Saturday, April 27 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sunday, April 28 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Email Us | 403.948.4412